An expert witness is a very powerful source of evidence in court. Reports on data electronically discovered by computer forensics methods are important because they provide strong evidence in court documents and in overall analysis in an active lawsuit or settlement. An expert witness can present the digital forensic facts of a case and detail how the conclusions were reached. A professional report will provide essential evidence to support your side in litigation or in discussions surrounding difficult issues.

Depositions often times become a “he said, she said” contest, in which the judge may discount the deposed parties, negating the often important facts disclosed in the deposition. In our experience, documented forensic facts will hold more weight than testimony alone, and an expert witness with properly obtained evidence is an undeniably powerful tool in the courtroom.

Once a computer forensics investigation is complete, the next step is to prepare the findings for presentation in court. Our expert witnesses will testify as to the accuracy of the data, the methods used to acquire it, and how it impacts the case. Our expert witnesses have testified at hundreds of trials and have the necessary poise and expertise to handle intense cross-examinations and scrutiny from the bench. We prepare you to ask the right questions, and our experts will deliver the answers you need to win your case.


Mobile Forensics

Data Recovery