
What Is Digital Debugging?

July 1st, 2015|

As spyware and malware software continues to evolve, the risk of "digital bugging" has never been greater. These "digital bugs"

Data Recovery

July 1st, 2015|

At EInvestigations, we can help your data recovery, electronic discovery, and forensic computer needs with our team of digital investigators

What Is Cell Phone Forensics?

July 1st, 2015|

There are many security concerns with mobile phone usage as mobile spyware programs can be easily installed and are very

What is Computer Forensics?

July 1st, 2015|

Computer forensics is the practice and application of collecting, analyzing and reporting digital data for defensible access and electronic discovery.

Interview with Gary Huestis Mobile Phone Security Expert

April 1st, 2013|

Gary Huestis, Director of Digital Forensics with E-Investigations, Interviewed as a Mobile Phone Security Expert

E-Investigations Develops New Proprietary Forensic Software

April 1st, 2013|

E-Investigations Develops New Proprietary Forensic Software

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